
What Wargaming Vehicle Are You?

Tanks, warplanes, ships—they all have a lot of personality. You could even say that a little bit of ourselves is reflected in the vehicles that we choose. Around the EU office, people have played our titles long enough to know what Wargaming vehicles are most like them, so we decided to find out.

Rob—General Content Editor

I am a Light Mk. VIC.

I’m small and I’m British, and like this tank, I hope my articles remind people of how much of a laugh they can have in game. I have a habit of talking a lot and very quickly, which is just like the BESA machine gun on this little beast of a tank. You’ll usually find me bombing down the hill on “Province” with 100-octane gasoline and Coated Optics equipped.

James—English Language Content Specialist

I am a SU-122-44.

The SU-122-44: it’s got stupidly high DPM and has great armor for its tier. In short, it’s got a fast mouth, just like me. It’s a typical “strong Russian tank”, being a Soviet TD that can smash pretty much any other Tier 7 out there. It’s annoying to face on the battlefield.

Like the tank, I have decent camo values, especially when hiding around the office to escape content work. The SU-122-44 is big but fast, unlike me in real life. Still, it’ll smash you up.

Tomasz—Polish Content Specialist

I am the Comet

I am quite fast and agile, I can spot things from afar—defintely needed around a busy office. If I see something coming my way and can either dodge it (and have someone else do it, haha) or just shoot it—and I rarely miss. Just like the Comet, I’m great at a lot of things: I can snipe, spot, flank - you choose. Just feed me proper fuel and watch me roll.

I’d also say that the Omaha fits me pretty well. Because if you want somebody who can navigate through the maze of small rocky islands (lots of translations), shooting away shell after shell with deadly precision, and occasionally using a well-placed torpedo for a particularly big problem. Well, here I am. Just keep in mind that if you put me against too many guns, I can easily sink. You don't want me to sink, do you?

Jake—German Content Specialist

I am an Omaha.

I might not be quite as American, but like the Omaha is able to tackle most situations, my general modus operandi is: if there is a problem, you I’ll solve it! She’s nippy vessel that can skirt across the waves/office environment like a mermaid. And her weapons arsenal isn’t something to underestimate, and just like my HTML skills are like flat guns and bugs in the CMS are like planes; as they come along I snipe them off.

Joshua—German Content Specialist

If I was a tank I’d be the VK 28.01.

Just like this vehicle I’m German and, despite my size, I’m very light. However, don’t underestimate this little bugger; it has lots of strong arguments to bring up against you. I like tackling new challenges, same goes for the VK when it sees other small tanks (R.I.P ELC AMX).

The VK 28.01 has been my favorite vehicle for a long time and it’s still a tank I like very much. While it’s not the best choice for Random Battles you can still use it effectively in Tier 6 Skirmishes as it just rips other tanks apart with its 10.5 cm howitzer.

Kresimir—Military Expert

I am a Hetzer.

The Hetzer’s a light, sneaky tank—skills you’ve got to have when searching through loads of information of tanks, warplanes and ships. Like the work I do, it’s about building up from something small, finding and tweaking all the right parts until you’ve unlocked its true potential.

The Tiger II is another great vehicle. Even though it has a weak engine that can make climbing mountains a chore, it reminds me of the painstaking process of searching through military records. But it’s worth it because you can find cool things for the players. In short, it knows how to get the job done.

Artiom—World of Tanks Lead Producer

I am a Type 59.

I like playing medium vehicles—fast, mobile, impudent game play. Whenever I want to play close combat I play Type 59. It's close battle tank and for me it's like bold game play. Also we can take good position next to enemy line and scout for allies via its turret :) So it's fun.

Among Tier 10 meds I like the German Leopard. I call it “ninja tank” and I like doing damage from a distance being undetected, especially with artilleries doing lots of damage out of nowhere.

Pudding—the Content Pug Mascot


So, what kind of Wargaming vehicle best describes you?