
Size Matters: Large, Legendary American Bombers Arrive in World of Warplanes

Three big brand-new planes are ready to take to the skies

Three gigantic U.S. bombers have arrived in World of Warplanes as part of a new line in Update 2.0.8, each bigger than the last and capable of doing more damage. The community has been asking about these warbirds and they’re finally ready to battle.

These “flying fortresses” are the most protected planes in the game, loaded with a huge stockpile of large caliber bombs. Due to this, they are slightly sluggish in terms of speed and maneuverability but with one pass, they can deal some serious damage to lots of targets.

As well as the sheer amount of bombs on board, these Americans sport some seriously strong turrets. These can be used to protect against enemy fighters, as soon as the target gets in their sights, foes will be full of holes in a matter of seconds.

These enormous bombers can be taken to the skies, along with a lot more, with Update 2.0.8.